
At the end

Well, I'm all done. I made it to the Yorktown Victory Monument on Saturday, July 17, at about 1:30. Sorry for the delay in making this post. I'm also sorry for the way the last series of posts was all jumbled up. That was confusing. When I arrived, I was greeted by a large crowd of family and friends. There were a lot of signs and many pictures were taken. It was great. I have never been so glad to see those people in my life. Mom had prepared a great picnic, which I felt was a fitting end to the trip.
Overall, I think biking across the country was a great experience. It was not always pleasant, but I'm glad I did it. I'm also glad I did it solo. It would have been a very different experience if I'd had a partner. I'm sure it still would have been good, but I am pleased with how things turned out. If someone told me they were thinking about doing this trip and asked if I would recommend it, I think I would say this: "If you really want to bike across the country, then it is a great experience. You get to see a lot of places, meet a lot of people, and push yourself a lot. however, if you are just looking for something fun to do, then do something else. This trip isn't as fun a you might think. It was often unpleasant."
I don't think I can thank my family and friends enough for all the support they've given me. I really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and help and text messages. Who knew so many people cared about me? Thanks a lot.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, dear friend! I'm so proud of you!!! ~Dori

Unknown said...

Way to go, Andrew! This something you will tell your grandchildren about. You are the man!

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