Hey! I haven't had cell service or internet for the past few days. Now, I'm in Ely, texting to the blog. The landscape here is big and empty. Really empty. As in, I biked 80 miles today and saw maybe 3 houses between towns. Tonight, I'm staying at the Copper Queen. The owners (the parents of a member of Living Proof church in Williamsburg) have very generously given me refuge for two nights. I owe a big thanks to Del for helping of in this. Tomorrow, I plan to rest, do laundry, and get groceries. Thanks for everything! Also: Nathan is now in South Africa. Remember him and Christina.


Abbey O'Connor said...

Your blog is great, Andy. We love being able to follow you on this great journey. Glad you made it to Ely and the Cooper Queen. Have a great rest -- you've certainly earned it. -- The O'Connors

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